Data & Security
A Dynamic Plan is the Foundation of Resilience
Limited Founding Member spots and pricing available for select WBCS and WBENC WBE’s
Differentiation and Credibility: Enhancing trust, compliance, and security.
Comprehensive Incident Response: Establishing and maintaining plans.
Expert Support: 24/7 emergency hotline.
On-demand CISO/Security Consulting: Providing cyber insurance advice, client relationship management, and forensic remediation.
IT for Work or Home
Making Affordable, Secure and Simple Solutions a Priority
Streamlined IT without Complexity or High Costs: IT isn’t magic, it’s a toolset that can simplify business processes.
IT is a Valuable Business Asset: All IT should be under the company’s ownership for control and security.
Transparency is Non-Negotiable: No smoke and mirrors, only clear and fair pricing. Check our pricing page for comparison.
On-Demand CTO, CIO Expertise or Technician Support: Access expertise for planned and unplanned needs.
Service Meets You Where You Are: We provide IT support wherever you are – virtual, at home, or at the office.